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Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Pulau Redang, Pulau Tioman, etc...

Please read this and pass around !!! PASS TO UNIVERSITY's friends!!

Ladies and Gentlemen:
If you read the stories written below by others, I will tell you my own story exactly as what they said and witnessed by me:
Please Forward The Story To Everyone You Know: I stayed in Pulau (island) Redang And Pulau Perhentian In Terengganu For 2
weeks due to my research and I observed a lot of things done by the local youngsters to the ladies visited there. The VICTIMS were
those who came alone or with group of girls only, most of them came with one female friend?. They acted as a normal driver of the boat
for the resorts but they selected the lone or girls victims mostly the dumb Chinese girls and western ladies.
But if the girls were accompanied by guys, they will not dare to touch. When they reached the snorkeling area, they will 'HELP' the
ladies by holding their hands to snorkel here and there? most of the Chinese ladies wear exposed and sexy swim wears and they will
peeped their nipples and underwears from behind? The worst part was they seen to bring along their local friends to join the club, to get
one or two victims everyday? they gathered on jetty and looking at their preys. Then, they will guided the girls to a plastic containers
with fresh water to wash them up, sometime trying to 'help' them by touching their body parts. They girls thought they were friendly and
helpful but they have others intention. After the girls were so busy to wash and clean up, the locals will at that time handed them
mineral water (with something inside), the girls will not aware at the time and drank it. It happened everyday and I watching it
everyday? Then suddenly the girls will allowed them to hold her hands and walked to the boats and go away to the resort and
finally to the rooms??with the others local 'friends' followed behind 'TO JOIN THE PARTY'!!! Sometimes they will ask the local or
western ladies do they like to have some sun block cream. Then they will apply some on their skin. Once, to my surprise the lady
naked her breast and let them 'played'. Then I knew what they applied was actually the 'Minyak Dagu ? Corpse Oil',one type of 'Jampi
or Curse Oil' so that you will love them. They kissed her until she was bring to the room. SURPRISE!!! ( I think I and my fellow friends
were handsome 100 times then the local guys?haha) Please remember Terengganu state , the Black Magic is strong over there.
Remember, I observed these for 2 weeks but cannot stop them, they have many many friends around, if I questioned them , I will be in
trouble...over there. I hope every lady took precaution on this matter and forward it to everyone.
Just let them know that if the drivers were so friendly and took advantages on them, they have to beware. I was so frustrated because
the girls so dumb to trust them. I asked one of the victim and she said she didn't remember anything but She said she have some
DREAM that she have sex with the locals,?. SEE !!!
Please read what written by others below. My story is true here
######################################################################## Beware when you're going out snorkling especially ladies' & girls' team only.Boatmen would drug the mineral water when your are
busy snorkelling. Later you passed out after drinking the water when you get back on the boat. There are insufficient evidence to
prosecute them cause they cleverly done their job including dressing up victim nicely to original & don't leave any traces behind even
ejected externally. And when the victims awakened they were told they had a short nap. Salt water further makes it difficult for them to
discover on the spot until perhaps later. This happened in Pulau Tioman and can happened any other places. Victims include Italian,
American Japanese, Chinese, Arabian & even Malays.
Please pass this message on to all the world. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cerita dari pemandu bot sendiri.. Kepada saudara / saudari yang diingati selalu, Untuk makluman anda, maklumat yang saya dapat ini adalah amat berguna untuk dijadikan teladan anda semua. Saya diberitahu oleh kawan saya iaitu seorang guru di pulau Tioman tentang tindak tanduk pemandu bot yang berkhidmat disana. Bagi yang ingin pergi bersantai ditengah laut dan snorkling tu, terutama gadis perlulah beringat-ingat. Hal yang saya nak ceritakan ini adalah diceritakan sendiri oleh pemandu bot tu kepada kawan saya. Pemandu bot tu menceritakan dengan penuh bangga tanpa mempedulikan hal haram dan dosa. Kepada pemudi yang ingin bersantai ditengah laut, diingatkan pergilah berempat. Dan jangan
kurang dari tiga orang. Untuk pengetahuan semua, pemandu bot ni akan meminta dan mengesyorkan gadis ? gadis (biasanya budak U yang ingin melancong) membeli air mineral dsb nya dengan alasan gadis2 akan haus ketika di tengah laut nanti. Dengan hasil perihatin tadi si gadis ni pun pergi lah beli air mineral. Dalam perjalanan ke tgh laut, pemandu bot nampak bersahaja dan kita
tidak tahu niat syaitan yang sebenar yang tersemat pada benak dan hati batu pemandu bot ni. Semasa berenang didasar yang cetek (Pulau Tioman), pemandu bot akan memasukkan sedikit minyak jampi yang didapati dari bomoh pulau kedalam air mineral yang dibeli oleh gadis U ni tanpa disedari oleh mereka berdua (gadis tu la) dan dibiarkan larut dan sebati. Setelah penat berenang gadis ni pun naik ke atas bot dan segera minum air mineral yang dibeli tadi. Dengan tidak semena-mena gadis2 tu rasa pitam dan pengsan
sekejap. Maka pada masa pitam nilah pemandu bot akan mengambil kesempatan membuka pakaian gadis2 tu satu persatu dan merogol gadis2 U tu tadi. Untuk pengetahuan, pemandu bot ni pandai. Setelah meneroka,merogol dan mengeluarkan airnya ( pancut \ luar), dia akan mengenakan kembali pakaian gadis dengan rapi. Setelah gadis tu terjaga pemandu bot akan mengatakan cik adik tertidur sebentar tadi.
Setelah dua , tiga hari si gadis ni akan mengalami sakit di kemaluan dan akan mendapatkan rawatan.
Setelah diperiksa, DR menyatakan yang gadis ni dah tiada dara. Perkara ini dah dibawa ketengah. Pihak polis dah siasat tapi oleh kerana tak cukup bukti, kes ini lebur begitu saja. Bila di soal, penduduk kampong kat pulau tu, konco2 pemandu bot dan termasuk pemandu bot itu sendiri akan menafikannya. Yang sedapnya pemandu bot tu juga tapi yang akan bocor rahsia pada malam pengantin gadis malang tu la jugak. Sebabnya telus dan tak ketat lagi dah.Jadi dengan itu, beringat ? ingat lah jika ingin pergi berseronok
biarlah bertiga atau berempat. Sebab perkara jahat seperti itu datang tanpa diduga seperti tsunami. Perkara begini telah mencetuskan
perihatin saya terhadap masyarakat sejagat. Kemana kita pergi hendak beringat2 (termasuklah mana2 pulau di Malaysia atau didunia ni. Jadi sampai-sampaikan lah kepada anak perempuan, kawan2 perempuan dan semua orang perempuan Cerita yang saya ampaikan adalah benar dan diceritakan oleh pemandu bot itu sendiri kepada kawan saya. Pemandu bot itu mencerikan dengan megah
dan bangga. Macam dunia ni dia yang punya. Tapi bila mati tak ditanya terus kene azab. Dia bangga kerana berjaya meragut
mahkota perempuan yang tak tahu dan leka terhadap keadaan sekeliling. Pemandu bot ni kata dia dah tibai semua jenis ****
Italian, American, Japanese, Chinese, Arabian, Melayu kita ni. Tapi diakata hak melayu jugak best sebab susah nak dapat?.tapi sekali dah dapat yang lawa pulak tu??phhhrrrrrr!!! Best nyer kate pemandu bot tu lah.

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